All organizations have seen what is Whatsapp Number List possible online in the past year. And I have already heard from several customers that they will no longer return to the 'old normal' because of this. Large companies indicate that they will fly significantly less post-corona and major research by AdWeek shows that 50% of consumers also expect to attend far fewer events.
Not only the sustainable and cost aspect of travel plays a role in this, but also the persistent fear of large groups of people. 1. Hybrid 2.0 The standard idea of ​​furnishing a room with furniture and sending out a Zoom link for one Whatsapp Number List stream of speakers really needs to be rethought. How do you achieve the desired results? By creating a stimulating, Whatsapp Number List hybrid experience that constantly motivates the audience to be involved. Quality over quantity and speed.
In which the customer is once again put first Whatsapp Number List and work is done based on his or her wishes and motivations. The Big TV Show We have all become tired of Zoom en masse , but in the meantime we are also playing Netflix. The lesson I've learned in the past year when organizing hybrid events is to really see the whole thing as one Whatsapp Number List big TV show. People are so clicked away and the competition is fierce, so spend the budget you save on location and catering on the technology. This really makes a difference for the visitor and his experience.